
Course Summary
Credit Type:
9 weeks (144 hours).
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Survey of Western Humanities


This humanities course covers a broad spectrum of human culture. The study of humanities covers various modes of expression, including governments, religions, artistic endeavors, musical genres, and literary works. Studying humanities involves examining how these components and others in human society create, define, and reflect the human culture contextually in both history and geography. It is certainly impossible to cover everything related to the vast academic study of the humanities, so this course will focus on key works of art, music, literature and so on as “landmarks.” This humanities course moves through content chronologically, from the first civilizations to the modern day. Students will interpret works of art, recall specific information, and apply concepts all throughout their participation in the course. The ongoing theme of the overall course is to consider, analyze and evaluate the relationship between human expression and societal culture.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize the importance and impact of the humanities on human history and society.
  • Apply how various modes of expression create, define, and reflect the culture and people in different locations and times.
  • Compare and contrast the different periods studied.
  • Identify characteristics of certain writers, artists, schools, or periods, and interpret their contributions to the arts in the prevailing time period.
  • Interpret the progression of the arts through the ages and their possible future trajectory.
  • Interpret humanities via recollection, information, and comprehension of concepts.

General Topics:

  • Origins: The First Civilizations
  • Classicism: The Greek Legacy
  • Empire: The Power and Glory of Rome
  • Revelation: The Flowering of World Religions
  • Synthesis: The Rise of the West
  • Christendom: Europe in the Age of Faith
  • Rebirth: The Age of the Renaissance
  • Reform: The Northern Renaissance and the Reformation
  • Encounter: European Outreach and Expansion
  • Baroque: Piety and Extravagance
  • Enlightenment: Science and the New Learning
  • Romanticism: Nature, Passion, and the Sublime
  • Materialism: The Industrial Era and the Urban Scene
  • Modernism: The Assault on Tradition
  • Globalism: Information, Communication, and the Digital Revolution
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Discussion
  • Lectures

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Quizzes
  • Written Papers

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials

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