
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
14 weeks (75 hours)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Introduction to Environmental Science


The course objective is to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of environmental science. Students will explore the interrelationships between humans and the environment, as well as the impact of human activities on ecosystems and natural resources.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Examine and evaluate different perspectives on environmental issues.
  • Analyze and assess population characteristics, growth and decline factors, human impact on population dynamics, and sustainable management strategies.
  • Explain the characteristics and environmental impacts of nonrenewable and renewable energy sources, and be able to differentiate between the two.
  • Analyze water management strategies, as well as evaluate the sources and impacts of air pollution, and the effectiveness of air quality management strategies.
  • Define and describe the characteristics of various ecosystems, including communities, organism type, and organism distribution.
  • Analyze and assess ancient and modern energy sources and their impacts, and evaluate the sustainability of modern energy consumption patterns.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the interactions between living organisms and their environment.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of biodiversity issues and their impact on ecosystems, and use that to evaluate land-use planning strategies for sustainable development.
  • Interpret the main factors contributing to climate change, their impacts, and evaluate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

General Topics:

  • Introduction to environmental science
  • Environmental ethics and justice
  • Environmental risk, economics, and sustainable development
  • Interrelated scientific principles: matter, energy, and environment
  • Interactions: environments and organisms
  • Ecosystems: communities and biomes
  • Population characteristics and issues
  • Energy and civilization: sources and patterns of consumption
  • Biodiversity issues
  • Land and soil issues: planning, use, and pollution
  • Water issues: planning, use, and pollution
  • Air issues: pollution, weather, and climate
  • Waste issues: management and health hazards
  • Environmental regulations and policies
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Computer Based Training
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Quizzes

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials

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