
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
Approximately 28 hours to complete
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Upper-Division Baccalaureate 2 Business Administration


Advanced Contingency Contracting Credential develops skills for Contracting Personnel who will be running the contingency contracting support operation provided to Joint Forces across the full spectrum of military operations. Exercises focus on unique aspects of contingency operations, critical thinking skills, and the execution of appropriate contractual instruments. Attendees will gain insight into tactical and strategic Contingency Contracting Mission Support and Operational Contract Support (OCS) Doctrine.

Learning Outcomes:

  • explain the joint operations planning process with a focus on the Operational Contract Support (OCS) Plan Annex W of OPORD/OPLAN
  • propose contracting support options given a contingency scenario in a Geographic Combatant Command area of responsibility
  • recognize the roles of primary OCS-related boards
  • organize a Contracting Office in a contingency environment
  • discover ethical failures and unethical behavior in a Contingency Environment
  • analyze the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of CCAS in an operational environment
  • define what private security contractors are and the duties they can and cannot perform
  • identify key processes, policies, and responsibilities for the effective and appropriate deployment of PSC personnel
  • identify which offices in the Dept of Defense are responsible for setting Private Security Contractor (PSC) policy, overseeing PSC contracts and on-the-ground actions, and handling PSC deployment
  • recognize the laws and policies that apply to Private Security Contractor (PSC) personnel
  • identify the roles and responsibilities of the government in planning for the use of contractors
  • identify the roles and responsibilities of the government in managing the use of contractors

General Topics:

  • DoD Instruction 3020.41 policy requirements Government roles and responsibilities Letters of Authorization Contractor deployment and management Private security contractors (PSC) Personnel accountability requirements Operational Contract Support (CS) Planning Contracting Office Crisis action planning Contingency Operations redeployment Contingency Contract Administration Services (CCAS) Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) Area of Responsibility (AOR) reset Cross-Serving and Host Nation Support agreements
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Case Studies
  • Classroom Exercise
  • Computer Based Training
  • Discussion
  • Practical Exercises
  • Performance Rubrics (Checklists)

Methods of Assessment:

  • Case Studies
  • Examinations
  • Presentations
  • Quizzes

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials