
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
CLCL 016
Approximately 23 hours
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 2 Digital Product Management


Increase your knowledge of the fundamentals of digital models and simulations and dive into the emerging topic of digital product support. Designed for acquisition, product support, and sustainment practitioners, this credential offers insights into the life cycle logistician's pivotal role in executing product support strategies for new, modified, and legacy systems using digital product support methodologies. With a capstone exercise and summative examination, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your ability to apply what you’ve learned. Professionals across various functional areas will come away with expertise in digital product support policy and guidance, best practices, and the critical relationship between product support and engineering, to include digital engineering and reliability and maintainability engineering.

Learning Outcomes:

  • describe how digital artifacts advance the state of practice of Systems Engineering (SE)
  • describe how Digital Engineering (DE) tasks and products are incorporated into a contract
  • describe the risks and opportunities of using DE
  • describe digital artifacts’ contribution to the following engineering concepts: System of Systems (SoS), program interoperability, and modularity.
  • identify the importance of R&M Engineering as an integral part of the DoD acquisition life cycle.
  • identify the R&M Engineering activities and outputs supporting product support during the MSA acquisition phase
  • identify the R&M Engineering activities and outputs supporting product support during the TMRR acquisition phase
  • identify the R&M Engineering activities and outputs supporting product support during the EMD acquisition phase
  • identify the R&M Engineering activities and outputs supporting product support during the O&S and P&D acquisition phases
  • identify the key components of a digital engineering strategy
  • understand the benefit of using a continuum of models to support digital engineering lifecycle activities
  • understand the importance of identifying, communicating, and preserving data and information
  • understand the benefit of using a continuum of models to support digital engineering lifecycle activities
  • identify the different types of digital data and tools used to support a DoD system throughout its lifecycle
  • describe the importance of an Authoritative Source of Truth and Digital Engineering Ecosystem.
  • identify how to use models to support modifications and upgrades, virtual testing, trade studies, and cost estimation
  • describe how using models can sustain a healthy supply chain and combat Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) and obsolescence through various sourcing types
  • summarize the capabilities of a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system
  • identify contracting considerations to support the selected digital Product Support Strategy

General Topics:

  • Principles of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Service policies Product support management Packaging, handling, storage & transportation Authoritative source Integrated Product Support Elements (IPSE) Operating and Support (O&S) costs Modeling and simulation Digital environments Digital concept lifecycles R&M engineering DoD acquisition lifecycle Key Performance Parameters (KPP) Systems Engineering (SE) Digital artifacts Digital Engineering (DE) System of Systems (SoS)
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Case Studies
  • Computer Based Training
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Quizzes

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials