
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
TST 1100 & TST 2100
19 hours (TST 1100-10 & TST 2100-9)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 2 Introduction to Systems Engineering


TST 1100 (Intro to Systems Engineering for Testers): Designed for Test and Evaluation (T&E) professionals, this Online Training (OLT) course introduces Systems Engineering (SE) and examines the various SE Technical and Technical Management Processes with an emphasis on those processes that might enable success when planning and conducting the broad range of activities associated with DoD T&E activities. Composed of three modules, the first module introduces basic SE concepts, laying the groundwork for understanding how testers apply the various Technical and Technical Management Processes. The second module focuses on the SE Technical Processes, describing the purpose of each process along with their associated activities. The third module focuses on the SE Technical Management Processes, describing the purpose of each process along with their associated activities.

TST 2100 (Applied Systems Engineering for Testers): This Online Training (OLT) course is composed of three modules. These modules provide test professionals with an in-depth look at the engineering principles and application decisions they will need to effectively and competently navigate the Department of Defense's (DoDs) Major Capability Acquisition (MCA) pathway.

Learning Outcomes:

  • recognize key aspects of the Systems Engineering discipline
  • identify briefly the Systems Engineering Technical and Technical Management Processes and their purposes
  • recognize the roles played by a system model
  • outline key considerations for effective use of Systems Engineering processes
  • recognize the function of the Stakeholder Requirements Definition and Requirements Analysis processes
  • recognize the function of the Architecture Design process
  • recognize the function of the Verification process
  • recognize the function of the Validation process
  • recognize the functions of the Implementation, Integration, and Transition processe
  • recognize the functions of the Technical Planning, Requirements Management, and Risk Management processes
  • recognize the functions of the Interface Management and Configuration Management processes
  • recognize the functions of the Technical Data Management, Technical Assessments, and Decision Analysis processes
  • recognize the basic elements associated with Systems Engineering as applied in DoD acquisition programs
  • identify the basic concepts associated with Mission Engineering
  • identify significant Systems Engineering activities that occur during the MSA and TMRR phases of a Major Capability Acquisition with a focus on activities relevant to testers
  • identify significant Systems Engineering activities that occur during the MSA and TMRR phases of a Major Capability Acquisition with a focus on activities relevant to testers
  • identify significant Systems Engineering activities that occur during the EMD, P&D, and O&S phases of a Major Capability Acquisition with a focus on activities relevant to testers
  • recognize how Systems Engineering policies and processes are implemented during the EMD, P&D, and O&S phases of a Major Capability Acquisition with a focus on activities relevant to testers

General Topics:

  • Introduction and Role of Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Technical Processes Systems Engineering Technical Management Processes Applying Systems Engineering Pre-Acquisition Systems Engineering Acquisition Systems Engineering
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Computer Based Training
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Quizzes

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials