
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
11 weeks (56.2 hours)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Organizational Behavior


The course objective is to provide students exposure to important theories and conceptual models for analyzing, understanding, and managing human behavior within organizations. Throughout the course, students will examine a wide range of organizational situations and examples of human behavior and learn how to connect them to foundational theories and effective practical management methods.

Learning Outcomes:

  • explain the theoretical foundations and basic facts of organizational behavior understand the psychological foundations of organizational behavior, including cognitive processes, learning mechanisms, attitudes, and judgments and decision making.
  • compare how organizational behavior varies in different cultures
  • compare the different theories of motivation in organizations and to be able to apply these theories in organizational situations
  • explain the philosophical approaches to ethical behavior in behavior in organizations and the various business situations where ethical decisions are made and to be able to articulate one's personal ethical stance
  • explain the psychological foundations of stereotypes and prejudice and the concept of cultural diversity as it applies to the workforce
  • explain how teams function in organizations and explain the use of leadership power in organizations, including theories of how it is gained and wielded
  • demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace
  • describe the major forms of workforce diversity
  • describe the key elements of motivation
  • compare theories of motivation
  • identify the stages of group development
  • identify the characteristics of effective teams
  • describe the communication process and distinguish between formal and informal communication, and address challenges to the effectiveness of leadership and identify performance measurements
  • generalize the impact of human relations, attitudes, and perceptions on performance defend the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace
  • describe the four functions of organizational culture
  • explain how culture influences on-the-job behavior
  • examine individual differences and similarities
  • highlight the managerial implications of increasing diversity in the workforce
  • compare and contrast forms of bias in the workplace
  • summarize theories of motivation
  • discuss and debate individual goal-setting in the workplace
  • identify the stages of group development

General Topics:

  • Introduction to organizational behavior
  • Social perception and managing diversity
  • Organizational culture, socialization, and mentoring
  • Communication in the digital age
  • Individual differences and emotions
  • Values and attitudes
  • Positive organizational behavior
  • Foundations of employee motivation
  • Performance management
  • Groups and teams
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Computer Based Training
  • Discussion
  • Lectures

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Other
  • Discussion questions, Assignments

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials