
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
Approved High Schools throughout the U.S.
13 hours
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Introduction to Environmental Science
A cut score of 4 was determined by ACE for this specific recommendation. Institutions may provide additional credit if a learner receives a higher cut score or based on their own internal frameworks for accepting transfer credits.


ESS is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function, and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political and social interactions of societies with the environment. Students will become equipped with the ability to recognize and evaluate the impact of our complex system of societies on the natural world.

This exam includes a required lab component.

Skills Measured:

• acquire the knowledge and understandings of environmental systems and issues at a variety of scales
• apply the knowledge, methodologies and skills to analyze environmental systems and issues at a variety of scales • appreciate the dynamic interconnectedness between environmental systems and societies
• value the combination of personal, local and global perspectives in making informed decisions and taking responsible actions on environmental issues
• be critically aware that resources are finite, that these could be inequitably distributed and exploited, and that management of these inequities is the key to sustainability
• develop awareness of the diversity of environmental value systems
• develop critical awareness that environmental problems are caused and solved by decisions made by individuals and societies that are based on different areas of knowledge
• engage with the controversies that surround a variety of environmental issues
• create innovative solutions to environmental issues by engaging actively in local and global contexts.
Instruction & Assessment
Supplemental Materials

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