
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Nationally, Internationally at authorized AP testing sites
2 hours and 30 minutes long and includes 55 multiple-choice questions and 4 free-response questions
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Lower-Division Baccalaureate 3 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Must score a 3 or above


Section 1: Multiple Choice
55 Questions, 60 Minutes, 50% of Exam Score
Individual questions (no stimulus): 40-44 questions.
Set-based questions:
--Quantitative Analysis: 3 sets of questions asking students to analyze a quantitative stimulus (line graphs, charts, tables, maps, or infographics)
--Qualitative Analysis: 2 sets of questions asking students to analyze text-based secondary sources
The 6 countries addressed in AP Comparative Government and Politics are: China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

Section 2: Free Response
4 Questions, 1 Hour 30 Minutes, 50% of Exam Score
Concept Application: Define or describe a political concept and explain and/or compare political systems, principles, institutions, processes, policies, or behaviors.
Quantitative Analysis: Analyze quantitative data, identify a trend or pattern, or draw a conclusion from a visual representation and explain how it relates to political systems, principles, institutions, processes, policies, or behaviors.
Comparative Analysis: Compare political concepts, systems, institutions, or policies in different course countries.
Argument Essay: Develop an argument in the form of an essay, using evidence from course countries related to the course concepts in the question prompt.

Skills Measured:

1. Concept Application: Apply political concepts and processes in authentic contexts.
2. Country Comparison: Compare political concepts and processes among the course countries (China, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, and the United Kingdom).
3. Data Analysis: Analyze and interpret quantitative data represented in tables, charts, graphs, maps, and infographics.
4. Source Analysis: Read, analyze, and interpret text-based sources.
5. Argumentation: Develop an argument in essay format.
Instruction & Assessment
Supplemental Materials

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