
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Structured and Continuing Training Program is designed for use by all National Service Officers (NSOs) and National Service Officer Apprentices who either have completed a combined academic and sixteen-month on-the-job training program or between 1994 and 2002, have graduated from DAV's National Service Officer Training Academy, affiliated with the University of Colorado at Denver, Colorado. The program incorporates extensive training in the areas of anatomy, pathology, physiology, medical terminology, communications, legal research and writing, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) laws and regulations, and interpretation of precedent decisions from the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). This is a comprehensive course developed for the purpose of ensuring comprehensive job-related skills, involving paralegal and paramedical principles necessary in the representation of veterans before the various levels of the VA, including VA Regional Offices (VAROs), VA Medical and Regional Office Centers (VAMROCs), the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), and representation before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). Additionally, this training is inherent to representation of active duty military personnel before Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs) and Physical Evaluation Boards (PEBs).To address this comprehensive training, various elements were developed to include the DAV Supplement to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (SRD), the Supervisor's Training Manual (STM), Part I, Adjudication and Part II, Rating Schedule, the National Service Officer's Workbooks, Part I, Adjudication and Part II, Rating Schedule, a video training package and various medical charts.Students are instructed by tenured Supervisory NSOs with subject matter expertise. National Service Staff of National Service and Legislative Headquarters administer and monitor the program and instructors. Students are required to pre-test for Parts I and II, successfully complete each training module by completing the workbook sections, and by testing following the completion of each of the thirty-two (32) modules. Full completion of the program requires post-testing of Parts I and II.DAV administers computer-based testing through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the National Service Director is issued a weekly computer-generated report of each student's progress. Students who do not master the subject matter with a minimum score of 70% accuracy are rescheduled for additional sessions and testing.

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03/01/2022 to 05/31/2025
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Disabled American Veterans Structured and Continuing Training Program
Disabled American Veterans Structured and Continuing Training Program
Disabled American Veterans