The U.S. Department of Defense Security Institute (DoDSI) was an activity established by the Secretary of Defense. As a result of the recent Defense Reform Initiative, the Department of Defense (DoD) Security Institute mission was incorporated into that of the Defense Security Services (DSS), the main provider of security services to the DoD. Policy direction and oversight is under the guidance of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence.DSS serves as the DoD focal point for DoD promoting activities supporting DoD security programs in education, training, and awareness. DSS presents courses of instruction, including independent study, resident, and field extension, relating to the DoD security programs. These courses are designed for U.S. Government personnel, plus selected employees and representatives of U.S. industry.Functional area experts are formed into teams to manage and provide education, training, and special support for DSS. Faculty members are subject matter experts in one or several of the security disciplines to include industrial, information, and personnel security. Programs of instruction are available in industrial security to satisfy the requirements of the National Industrial Security Program, personnel security adjudication and investigations, classification management, and special programs.Selection procedures for faculty members must conform to requirements by the Federal Government's Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Applicants must submit a personal qualification statement that is reviewed by panel members selected for their expertise in the subject area. Knowledge, skills, abilities, education, work experience, and other pertinent qualifying information is used to determine the rating of an applicant. The instructors are evaluated twice yearly by team members who provide feedback and critique on their performances.To receive a course diploma, students must demonstrate mastery of course content through formal examination, formally evaluated criterion exercises, the completion of graded written exercises, faculty observation and evaluation, and graded homework assignments or some combination thereof. Students who do not meet minimum academic or performance standards are given a letter of attendance in lieu of a course diploma. Faculty advisors work with students that have academic or performance problems to improve their mastery of the required knowledge or skills.