The Walt Disney Company (TWDC), founded by two brothers, Walt and Roy Disney, began as a humble animation studio in 1923. In its 90 extraordinary years, Disney has earned the distinction of being one of the most recognized names in the world today. TWDC, with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with five business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media.
At the heart of Walt Disney Parks & Resorts (WDP&R) are five world-class vacation destinations with 11 theme parks and 44 resorts in North America, Europe and Asia, with a sixth destination currently under construction in Shanghai. WDP&R also includes the Disney Cruise Line with its four ships - the Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy; Disney Vacation Club, with 12 properties and approaching a total of 200,000 member families; and Adventures by Disney, which provides guided family vacation experiences to destinations around the globe.
Education, training, and development for all WDP&R Cast, Crew & Imagineers is most critical in upholding the very foundation by which the company's success was built: To produce unparalleled entertainment, creativity and storytelling and to deliver exceptional and consistent guest service worldwide. This effort is lead, created and coordinated through extensive Training and Development resources of this remarkable corporation. Specifically, The Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resorts encourage education at all levels and provide training to all departments. Programs are designed to meet the learning and developmental needs of adults in today's business world. Cast members may choose from a wide range of professionally designed and professionally taught courses.
Course development and course revision go far beyond teaching Cast Members what to do. The courses also provide participants with the tools to apply their learning on the job, help them continuously improve their interpersonal skills with our guests and other cast members, and continue to be introduced to the most relevant aspects of their education, training, and development within all of our 3,000 plus job classifications. In addition, through various academic partnerships and educational reimbursement plans, the company models its commitment to lifelong learning and our cast members' career development objectives.