ACE and the
Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) have formed an important collaboration to provide professional development and support services to college instructors, with a focus on current and future college faculty whose primary responsibility is to teach or support instruction.
ACUE has launched a national effort to advance effective college instruction through state-of-the-art online professional development programs. ACE is working with ACUE in a joint venture as part of the Council’s nearly century-old mission to prepare campus leaders, support the work of colleges and universities and assist institutions in strengthening student learning, persistence and completion.
ACE and ACUE, a company founded in 2014 by
leaders in higher education, are collaborating on the development of a scalable faculty development and certificate program for college instructors. This research-based program complements related student success initiatives and significantly extends the reach of faculty development efforts.
This collaboration advances ACE’s historic mission to improve access to postsecondary education and help our institutions enhance student outcomes through effective college instruction. ACUE and ACE’s shared goal is to expand dramatically the use of effective teaching practices to benefit students, faculty, and institutions. Students and institutions will benefit from these professional development services, as measured by stronger student outcomes.
Click here for more information about ACUE and its
Course in Effective Teaching Practices. We encourage our members to consider offering ACUE’s pedagogy modules to their faculty.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ACE?
- The American Council on Education (ACE) is the major coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities. ACE, founded in 1918, represents more than 1,600 college and university presidents and the executives at related associations, and is the only major higher education association to all types of U.S. accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities public and private.
What is ACUE?
- ACUE, the Association of College and University Educators, is a company founded in 2014 by leaders in higher education to advance effective instruction and support college educators whose primary responsibility is to teach.
How are the two organizations working together?
- ACE and ACUE have formed a significant collaboration, and ACE is invested in ACUE’s success. They are working in a joint venture to enhance student success as part of ACUE’s national effort to advance effective college instruction through state-of-the-art online professional development programs.
What is the goal of the collaboration between ACE and ACUE?
- The goal of the collaboration is to expand dramatically the use of effective teaching practices to benefit students, faculty, and institutions.
What is ACE’s role in this collaboration?
- ACE is reviewing and evaluating the scalable faculty development and certificate program for college instructors that ACUE has developed over the past year. This research-based program complements related student success initiatives and significantly extends the reach of faculty development efforts.
- ACE, which has long made college credit recommendations for military and workplace courses, is applying its rigorous quality assessment expertise to optimize the soundness and research basis of ACUE’s Effective Practice Framework© and Course in Effective Teaching Practices. This first-of-its-kind statement of professional practice and courseware specifically designed for higher education educators is enhanced by a new application of the work ACE has done for decades using subject matter expert teams to evaluate learning that takes place outside a formal classroom for credit recommendations—since 1954 for military experiences and occupations and since 1974 for workplace courses. These recommendations have been used successfully by students to earn credit at many institutions; and many of those students have done well academically at the more than 2,000 institutions that make it a practice to consider ACE credit recommendations.
How does this collaboration fit with the mission of ACE?
- ACE is collaborating with ACUE in this joint venture as part of its nearly century-old mission to prepare campus leaders, support the work of colleges and universities and assist institutions in strengthening student learning, persistence and completion.
- ACE is committed to improving access to postsecondary education for traditional and nontraditional students and helping our institutions build the capacity to ensure that those students can succeed and gain the degrees and credentials needed to compete in the 21st century global economy.
- ACE’s mission will directly benefit from ACUE’s work offering institutions critical tools and resources and providing professional development opportunities to faculty with the ultimate purpose of enriching the student learning experience and increasing overall success.
Why is there a need for ACUE’s services?
- While many higher education institutions already have faculty development initiatives, recent research on faculty skill and student outcomes suggest that there is still significant need for solutions to improve skills.
- ACUE was founded to provide college educators, particularly the three-quarters of instructors who are not on a tenure track, with the practical, collegial support they need—and want—to be effective in the classroom. ACUE and ACE will be working together to speed the adoption of research-based instructional techniques at campuses nationwide.