"The higher education community welcomes the United States Supreme Court’s grant of certiorari in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger,
cases addressing race-conscious admissions at the University of
Michigan. A decision by the Court promises to bring legal clarity to
admission practices.
As leaders of the major higher education associations, we speak with
one voice in supporting the University of Michigan—and all colleges and
universities—in emphasizing the importance of educating Americans of all
backgrounds. We believe there is a national imperative to ensure that
Americans who represent the diversity of races, ethnic groups, religious
beliefs, and economic circumstances participate in higher education at
all levels, including graduate and professional schools. We encourage a
reaffirmation of the landmark 1978 Bakke ruling, which approved
consideration of race and ethnicity among many other factors to achieve
diversity in higher education admissions decisions.
We believe that our nation is best served when the professions,
indeed all economic groups, amply represent the full spectrum of
American society. We shudder at the prospect of a de facto caste system,
where social and economic status are identified by race, religion, or
any other group characteristic.
We believe that the education of virtually all students is enhanced
in campus settings where the diversity of our society is represented.
For many students, higher education represents the first and best chance
to learn from diverse peers. In an increasingly interdependent global
economy and society, America will suffer if its citizens are not
prepared to live and work in multicultural settings.
We believe as well that the future of our democratic society is
dependent on educational and economic opportunities available to and
enjoyed by all. Higher education has succeeded in bringing together
Americans of all backgrounds in pursuit of both higher learning and the
commonweal. We should not now undermine or abandon these achievements."
On behalf of:
- Robert C. Andringa, President, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
- George R. Boggs, President and CEO, American Association of Community Colleges
- Rev. Charles L. Currie, S.J., President, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
- Constantine W. Curris, President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
- Judith S. Eaton, President, Council for Higher Education Accreditation
- Richard Ekman, President, Council of Independent Colleges
- Antonio R. Flores, President, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- William H. Gray, III, President and CEO, United Negro College Fund
- Nils Hasselmo, President, Association of American Universities
- Monika K. Hellwig, President, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
- Frederick S. Humphries, President, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
- C. Peter Magrath, President, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
- Carol G. Schneider, President, Association of American Colleges and Universities
- Jadwiga S. Sebrechts, President, Women's College Coalition
- David Ward, President, American Council on Education
- David L. Warren, President, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities