Shared Equity Leadership


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ACE’s work on shared equity leadership, developed in partnership with the Pullias Center for Higher Education​ at the University of S​outhern California, describes the broadly inclusive and collaborative leadership approaches that are necessary to achieve equitable outcomes in higher education.

In the shared equity leadership framework, a greater number of individuals engage in leadership across an institution and leverage multiple perspectives and expertise to transform conditions of campus inequity. The idea of this framework, informed by studying leaders at different types of institutions, is that broadly distributing leadership responsibilities and accountability helps equity work become less marginalized.​​

Reports and Publications
Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces
June 5, 2023
Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces
This report, the sixth in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, explores what emotional labor looks like when responsibility for DEI leadership is shared across multiple campus stakeholders, rather than siloed or isolated in a single person or office.
Capacity Building for Shared Equity Leadership: Approaches and Considerations for the Work
January 20, 2023
Capacity Building for Shared Equity Leadership: Approaches and Considerations for the Work
This report, the fifth in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, explores distinct strategies to build capacity for shared equity leadership at the personal, collective, and organizational levels to collectively lead equity-minded change efforts.
Leading for Equity from Where You Are: How Leaders in Different Roles Engage in Shared Equity Leadership
November 10, 2022
Leading for Equity from Where You Are: How Leaders in Different Roles Engage in Shared Equity Leadership
This report, the fourth in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, describes the ways that leaders in different campus roles can contribute to shared equity leadership (SEL) efforts, examined from both functional and positional perspectives.
Shared Responsibility Means Shared Accountability: Rethinking Accountability Within Shared Equity Leadership
August 30, 2022
Shared Responsibility Means Shared Accountability: Rethinking Accountability Within Shared Equity Leadership
This report, the third in the On Shared Equity Leadership series, describes ways that campuses implementing shared equity leadership are grappling with accountability when responsibility for diversity, equity, and inclusion work is broadly distributed.
Shared Equity Leadership Toolkit
August 3, 2022
Shared Equity Leadership Toolkit
The Shared Equity Leadership Toolkit, part of the On Shared Equity Leadership series, helps leaders determine their strengths and weaknesses—and those of their team—in the values and practices necessary to effectively practice shared equity leadership.
Organizing Shared Equity Leadership: Four Approaches to Structuring the Work
February 10, 2022
Organizing Shared Equity Leadership: Four Approaches to Structuring the Work
This report from the On Shared Equity Leadership series describes traditional higher education diversity leadership, explores shared leadership structures, and highlights four distinct shared equity leadership models observed during a multiple-case study.
Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone's Work
March 22, 2021
Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone's Work
In this publication, the first in ACE’s On Shared Equity Leadership series, we describe how inclusive and collaborative approaches to leadership are necessary to achieve equitable outcomes. We term this approach shared equity leadership.
What Is Shared Equity Leadership? A Primer
April 22, 2021
What Is Shared Equity Leadership? A Primer
This primer shares an overview of the three main components of shared equity leadership: a personal journey toward a critical consciousness; values that undergird the work; and practices that are enacted by the participants.
Blog Posts
Events and Recordings

Learn more about organizing shared equity leadership at your institution by participating in ACE events and learning opportunities. ​​

​Event ​Recordings

Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces Through Shared Equity Leadership
June 15, 2023
Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces Through Shared Equity Leadership
Hear reflections on Emotional Labor in Shared Equity Leadership Environments: Creating Emotionally Supportive Spaces. Learn about emotional labor when diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership is broadly distributed.
Building Capacity for Shared Equity Leadership
January 31, 2023
Building Capacity for Shared Equity Leadership
Hear reflections from leading scholars and practitioners on the forthcoming report “Capacity Building for Shared Equity Leadership: Approaches and Considerations for the Work.”
Rethinking Accountability in Shared Equity Leadership
September 29, 2022
Rethinking Accountability in Shared Equity Leadership
Hear insights from the recent report on accountability in shared equity leadership (SEL). Learn to rethink accountability with stakeholders, review challenges determining SEL accountability, and discover strategies to measure progress.
Structures for Enacting Shared Equity Leadership
March 2, 2022
Structures for Enacting Shared Equity Leadership
In this webinar on organizing for shared equity leadership, learn how campus context shapes the structure, best practices for decision-making around organizing, and handling issues of accountability. (Recording available.)
Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning
June 24, 2021
Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning
The discussion with the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) explored our collective responsibility to create a more equitable and just learning environment for all students.
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​Join a Learning Circle

Learning circles are social learning groups of six to 10 college and university leaders pursuing transformative change. Offered quarterly, Sharing Equity for Leadership learning circles leverage key concepts and tools from the shared equity leadership model and enable collaboration with peers grappling with similar challenges in their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work. Visit​ the page to explore the benefits of joining a circle, and to learn more about registering.

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