ACE Apprenticeship Pathways supports learners, employers, and postsecondary institutions by expanding workforce and educational opportunities for learners who have participated in high-quality apprenticeship programs.
An ACE evaluation of your apprenticeship program enables you to:
- Promote your validated program to attract new apprenticeship candidates
- Provide an accelerated pathway to postsecondary credentials for your apprentices
- Retain personnel by investing in professional development
- Affirm the value and quality of apprenticeship training
ACE Learning Evaluations has a thorough process in which a team of faculty evaluators from relevant academic disciplines reviews the learning and experience that apprentices receive from an apprenticeship program.
If appropriate, the team recommends college credit equivalencies that apprentices may be eligible to transfer to degree and certification programs at postsecondary institutions. The evaluation may also recommend workplace competencies for employment and job advancement opportunities.
Leverage the ACE evaluation process to validate your program and present a unique edge that sets you apart from the rest.
Apprenticeship programs interested in an ACE evaluation
are encouraged to connect with us to learn more about
the process, costs, and benefits of participation.