ACE Women’s Network


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The ACE Women's Network is a national system of networks within each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia with the goal of advancing and supporting women in higher education. Each state network is led by a state chair who works with institutional representatives and at least one presidential sponsor to develop programs that identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support (IDEALS) women in higher education careers within that state.

The state networks are linked to one another through their connection with the American Council on Education (ACE)​ and the ACE Women's Network Executive Council (WNEC), a group of senior women executives from across the country who serve as both mentors to the state chairs and as advisers to ACE on the overall functioning of the ACE Women’s Network. State chairs also benefit from the mentorship and advice from college and university presidents and chancellors who have agreed to serve as presidential sponsors.

Our Mission

The ACE Women's Network facilitates the networking of women interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in higher education. A four-part structure—the WNEC; independent, state-based networks with state chairs; presidential sponsors; and institutional representatives—facilitates these connections, allows for sharing of best practices, particularly at the ACE Women’s Network Leadership Conference, and enables local leadership training by the state networks. ​ Learn more about the history of the ACE Women's Network.

Tools and Resources

Video Resources

​Explore videos designed to help your state network make strategic and succession plans and better utilize technology tools. 

Get Involved
ACE Women's Network Directory
ACE Women's Network Directory
ACE encourages faculty and women administrators from across the country to join and participate in their respective state network events. ​
ACE Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program
ACE Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program
The ACE Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program is designed to support and advance women through their careers in higher education.

​ACE Women's Leadership Microgrant Program

The Women's Leadership Microgrant Program provides small grants (up to $2,500) to support the advancement of women leaders in higher education through innovation within state networks. The grants are funded by the Women's Leadership Legacy Fund.

ACE congratulates the 2022 winners:

  • Arizona Women in Higher Education Membership and Mentorship Program
  • Paths for Success in Mentoring, Support Networks, and Allyship (Northern and Southern California Networks)
Support the Network
Connect with Us
​ACE Women's Network members: Do you have changes to your contact information? Are there upcoming events you would like to share with ACE? Please let us know at

​​ACE Women's Network​​ Executive Council (WNEC)

The WNEC serves in an advisory capacity to ACE on issues pertaining to gender equity, women’s leadership in higher education, and the ACE Women’s Network. They support state networks by serving as liaisons to the chairs and providing guidance for strengthening impact and reach.

Women's Network Executive Council

Connecting with Your State Network

ACE encourages faculty and women administrators from across the country to join and participate in their respective state network events.

State Networks Directory