President Trump signed a new executive order
March 6 outlining his revised immigration travel ban, which aims to
address the range of legal issues with the original order signed on Jan.
27. That order spurred confusion across the country, including on
college and university campuses, and a federal judge in Seattle issued a
nationwide temporary restraining order on Feb. 3 effectively blocking
The new travel ban should not adversely affect students, faculty,
scholars or staff who are currently in the United States or who have a
valid U.S. visa, even if they are from one of the six targeted countries
(Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen). However, it may well
affect the incoming class of students and new hires of faculty and staff
from those countries, especially if the ban is extended beyond the 90
days currently outlined.
For a more detailed discussion, ACE has prepared a summary of the provisions that will potentially impact higher education. Click here (208 KB PDF) to download a copy.