A Brand Evolution

For the past 107 years, the American Council on Education (ACE) has grown as the country’s leader in higher education policy, practice, and thought leadership. Since the previous visual refresh in the early 2000s, both the nation and the higher education landscape have changed—as has ACE.

Our new look is an outward reflection of the innovative practices, policies, and work ACE has since incorporated into our portfolio. These welcome changes have helped us to better serve our members and all of higher education, and now we have a visual identity to match.

Our Logo

Evolving from our previous identity, the new logo represents ACE’s forward momentum and ability to adapt yet emphasizes that our core mission remains unchanged. Notably, the logo features:

  • An updated sans serif font that represents the current digital age
  • A bold typeface that symbolizes how higher education builds America
  • An updated swoosh as a nod to ACE’s past that indicates a clear direction forward
  • Negative space that allows the material underneath the logo to shine through—ACE’s work is a part of our DNA, and this visually shows how our efforts and the brand fit together

The logo can be used in two different orientations, and the icon should be used very rarely. See more details in the full brand guidelines.

ACE logo horizontal  

Horizontal logo

ACE logo vertical  

Stacked logo

ACE logo icon  

Logo icon

Our Colors

ACE deserved a primary color as rich and true as the organization itself. ACE Navy is rich, vibrant, and just classic enough to pay homage to our 107-year past.

ACE color palette

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission and vision remain steadfast, and our updated brand demonstrates our renewed commitment to enhancing the forward momentum of higher education in America.

ACE’s Vision 

A postsecondary education ecosystem that expands knowledge, meaningfully includes all students, and drives social progress to promote a vibrant democratic society. 

ACE’s Mission 

ACE leads higher education with a united vision for the future, galvanizing our members to make change. The Council collaborates across the sector to design solutions for today’s challenges, serves the needs of a diverse student population, shapes effective public policy, and promotes a more inclusive future.

Brand Guidelines and Logo Usage

Download ACE’s logo as well as the visual and editorial brand guidelines for official usage. If you have any questions about logo usage, please reach out to your ACE point of contact.

​ACE Logos and Styleguide (ZIP)