Meeting Higher Education’s Next Great Challenge: Ensuring Full Inclusion for Students with Disabilities
9/21/2021 12:00 PM
9/21/2021 2:00 PM
Format: Online
Program Type: Workshop

Workshops are virtual, in-person, or hybrid active-learning experiences facilitated by top experts that enable higher education leaders to hone new skills, connect with peers, and put knowledge into action. Participants discuss their experiences, complete inquiry assignments, and develop plans that apply knowledge learned to challenges at their institutions. Depending on format, workshops can last anywhere from one to two day or four to eight weeks.

About the Workshop

College and university leaders need to create campuses that are inclusive of all students. Campus diversity and equity efforts must recognize the needs of students with disabilities, who cross all categories and demographics including race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture and language, geography, and economic status. Join us for a deep dive into disability awareness that includes learning about disability prevalence, ableism, and inclusion and a discussion about the importance of disability diversity in supporting your equity and inclusion goals. Share perspectives with your colleagues, identify strategies to expand your network of partners, and begin to build your plan to improve disability diversity inclusion on campus. Generously supported by the Institute for Educational Leadership.

September 21
Noon-2:00 p.m.

In the first session, participants will gain awareness of disability prevalence, ableism, and inclusion within higher ed through active learning activities and presentations. Participants will explore the value of disability diversity to support their institutions’ goals for equity and inclusion.

October 5
Noon-2:00 p.m.

In the second session, participants will share lessons learned through conversations with campus stakeholders and their perspectives on increasing disability inclusion, identify strategies to expand a partner network, and create an action plan to improve disability equity at their institution.

Dahlia Shaewitz
Vice President of Transition, Disability & Employment, Institute for Educational Leadership
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Dahlia Shaewitz - Vice President of Transition, Disability & Employment, Institute for Educational Leadership -
Dahlia Shaewitz
Vice President of Transition, Disability & Employment, Institute for Educational Leadership


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