Gary B. Crosby, Chair, President, Saint Elizabeth University (NJ), and ACE Fellow 2019–20
Sarah Pfatteicher, Chair-Elect, Executive Director, Five College Consortium (WI), and ACE Fellow 2016–17
Michael “Mickey” McDonald, Immediate Past Chair, President, Great Lakes Colleges Association (MI), and ACE Fellow 2001–02
Kara M. Rabbitt, Secretary, Associate Provost for Academic Initiatives, William Paterson University (NJ), and ACE Fellow 2019–20
Lori Ciccomascolo (2022–23), Professor of Education and Associate
Vice President of Student Affairs and Student Success, The University of
Rhode Island (Finance and Development)
Jim B. Fatzinger (2011–12), Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Fulbright Specialist, President, Kentucky Chapter of the Fulbright Association (Outreach and Engagement Committee)
Jamie Frueh (2022–23), Associate Provost, Bridgewater College (Professional Development)
Carlos A. González-Campos (2011–12), Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation, CETYS University (Outreach and Engagement)
Rosaria Meek (2022–23), Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of North Georgia (Finance and Development)
Joddy Murray (2014–15), Dean, College of Liberal Arts (COLA), Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Professional Development)
Catherine Whelan (2014–15), Provost and VP for Academic and Student Affairs, East Georgia State College (Finance and Development)