
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
4.5 days (36 hours)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Upper-Division Baccalaureate 3 Contract Law


This course objective is to provide an overview of government contract law, with special emphasis on laws and regulations relating to ethics, data rights, fiscal law, protests, and contract management. Through analysis of actual legal cases, this course provides acquisition professionals with a deeper understanding of how judicial decisions impact the acquisition process.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply statutory and regulatory provisions related to ethical conduct of government employees.
  • Discuss, support, and defend a given position by applying the concepts associated with performance under government acquisition.
  • Describe what the government options are when reviewing data rights issues.
  • Identify the purpose of contract modifications.
  • Distinguish between termination for convenience and termination for default.
  • Describe the congressionally mandated preference for describing agency needs and source selection.
  • Recognize statutory, regulatory, and decisional authorities applicable to government acquisitions.
  • Describe the administrative, civil, criminal, and contractual remedies available to the government in light of contractor misconduct.
  • Discuss the process for prosecuting a protest in a government acquisition and differentiate the various decisions of actual case law.
  • Identify the statutory, regulatory, and decisional restrictions applicable to the expenditure of appropriated funds.
  • Discuss the constitutional, statutory, regulatory, and decisional authorities applicable to both commercial and governmental acquisitions.
  • Describe the process for instituting a claim against the government.

General Topics:

  • Foundations of Law
  • Ethics
  • Intellectual Property and Data Rights
  • Fiscal Law
  • Protests
  • Contract Changes
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Case Studies
  • Classroom Exercise
  • Discussion
  • Lectures
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Case Studies
  • Other
  • Performance Rubrics (Checklists)
  • Written Papers
  • Graded Homework; Graded Exercises; Graded Preclass Assignment; Participation

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials