
Course Summary
Credit Type:
Organization's ID:
2 weeks (80 hours)
Dates Offered:
Credit Recommendation & Competencies
Level Credits (SH) Subject
Upper-Division Baccalaureate 4 Korean Language and Culture


The course objective is for the students to gain knowledge of Korean Grammar, and to strengthen and maintain their proficiency level to ILR level 2+ or higher in Korean (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). By the end of this course, the students will be able to enhance their higher level lexical, structural, and socio-cultural competencies reflecting grammar. The course seeks to achieve this goal in a manner that differs from typical foundational grammar courses, in that this course does not examine grammatical features in isolation from one another (e.g. spending a day on the one grammar feature past tense without looking at other tenses); instead, this class examines grammar points as smaller systems lodged within a larger system (e.g. examining all verb tenses together to understand how they function as a group).

Learning Outcomes:

  • illustrate the grammatical structures that are necessary to understand to be able to achieve higher proficiency levels in Korean Language
  • analyze structural and lexical components, including vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, grammar forms, and syntax in relevance to FLO topical areas
  • compare the various systems of Korean grammar function in relation to one another
  • formulate the structure based on a deeper internal sense of the language, the result of which is a deeper understanding of structure
  • evaluate the contextual and implied meaning of texts in relevance to FLO topical areas, and translate and evaluate the tone and nuance of the texts when given authentic ILR level 2+ or above aural and written text
  • construct cohesive and coherent opinions when engaging in meaningful discourse using critical thinking skills, and justify your stance
  • compose logical and sound criticism and evaluation in written and spoken form by synthesizing information, messages, implications, and significance identified in authentic ILR Level 2+ or above texts

General Topics:

  • FLO topics (society, culture, politics, economy, education, accidents, health and environment)
  • Emphasis
  • Habits and attitude
  • Hypothesis and condition
  • Addition and inclusion
  • Passive and causative
  • Prediction and possibility
  • Regret and retrospection
  • Cause and effect
Instruction & Assessment

Instructional Strategies:

  • Audio Visual Materials
  • Classroom Exercise
  • Computer Based Training
  • Discussion
  • Learner Presentations
  • Practical Exercises

Methods of Assessment:

  • Examinations
  • Performance Rubrics (Checklists)
  • Presentations
  • Written Papers

Minimum Passing Score:

Supplemental Materials