Social Sciences
A curriculum based on the idea of educating students in the following disciplines: anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, linguistics, politics, psychology, and sociology.
A curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Student Exchange
A valid student exchange program between a home university and the host university. Exchange students expected to receive university credits, which they can transfer to their degree studies at their home university. Length, number of students, costs, and disciplines are variable as they and other factors decided by partner universities in a formal agreement.
Specific, detailed sub-agreements of an MOU for each new collaborative activity developed with that partner in the future. Sub-agreements define:
- The purpose and scope of the specific activity under consideration
- Key responsibilities for each side
- Specific start and end dates, at which point review will occur before possible renewal
- What kinds of students, faculty, and staff will be involved and how they will be selected
- What funds, facilities, and other resources will be provided by each side
- Rules, regulations, policies, and laws that govern the agreement
- Legal liabilities, insurance provisions, and similar matters
- Principles of academic freedom and rights that must be upheld
- Conditions that may lead to termination of the agreement
- Procedures for managing disagreements and maintaining communications
- Specific individuals who have responsibility for various parts of the activity
U.S. Department
Department, school, institute, center of a U.S. college or university that has entered in a formal agreement with a Japan institution. If blank, agreement is university-wide.
U.S. Institution
United States degree-granting college or university accredited by a Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)-recognized accrediting agency or Department of Education-recognized accrediting agency.
Virtual Exchange/Collaborative Online International Learning (VE/COIL)
Virtual exchange is a structured learning practice, supported by research, that consists of sustained, technology-enabled, people-to-people education programs or activities in which constructive communication and interaction takes place between individuals or groups who are geographically separated and/or from different cultural backgrounds, with the support of educators or facilitators. COIL is a research-based method of virtual exchange. COIL is an innovative pedagogy, involving faculty in two or more countries collaborating to develop a joint syllabus for students to work together online to complete assignments that meet shared learning objectives.