Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education Also to be Recognized
announced today that Lucie Lapovsky, a longtime advocate for achieving
gender equity in higher education leadership, will receive the 2016
Donna Shavlik Award.
The award will be presented at ACE2016, ACE’s 98th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, during the Women’s Leadership Dinner on Saturday, March 12.
ACE established the Donna Shavlik Award to honor the long and
outstanding service of Donna Shavlik, former director of ACE's Office of
Women in Higher Education (now part of the ACE Inclusive Excellence
Group). Presented annually, the award honors an individual who
demonstrates a sustained commitment to advancing women in higher
education, through leadership and career development, campus climate and
Lapovsky has been a leader in the ACE Women’s Network for over 30
years, beginning in 1980 with her participation in ACE’s National
Identification Program, the early iteration of ACE’s Women’s Leadership
Networks. Lapovsky was deeply involved in Maryland’s State Network and
served as chair of the Maryland State Coordinators for many years before
becoming the first chair of the executive board of the ACE Network,
which was created by the Office of Women to guide the state programs, to
help more women advance to the college presidency and to strengthen the
relationship between ACE and each state network’s coordinator. Through
this role, Lapovsky provided invaluable leadership through her insights
and dedication to promoting and supporting the women identified for
presidencies and other leadership positions.
Throughout a higher education career as a chief financial officer,
college president and now a consultant, Lapovsky has dedicated countless
hours and effort to ensuring that the next generation of women leaders
is prepared to lead. Her extensive work includes her involvement with
ACE’s Moving the Needle: Advancing Women in Higher Education initiative,
her service on the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) and The
White House Project boards, and as chair of Re:Gender (formerly the
National Council for Research on Women). She tirelessly gives her time
to advise, mentor and sponsor women. Lapovsky has helped many potential
presidents demystify and understand the finances of the institutions
they were considering.
“For many years Lucie Lapovsky has been at the forefront of forging a
pathway for women to succeed as leaders in higher education,” said ACE
president Molly Corbett Broad. “Her dedication to ACE and our Women’s
Networks speaks to her unwavering commitment to seeing that women are
equally represented in leadership roles.”
Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College (CA), will give the keynote address at the Women’s Leadership Dinner. Klawe’s speech will focus on the role of female leaders in academia.

to right: Lynn Gangone, vice president of ACE Leadership Programs;
Donna Shavlik; Lucie Lapovsky; Molly Corbett Broad; Kim Bobby, director
of ACE's Inclusive Excellence Group.
ACE State Network Leadership Award
The 2016 ACE State Network Leadership Award will be given to the
Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education, which was
established in 1978, one year after the national program was
established. The award will be presented to Lynette Findley ACE Michigan
Women’s State Coordinator, at the Women’s Network Leadership Council
reception just prior to the Women’s Leadership Dinner. She is the
president of Lynette Findley & Associates, LLC, and assistant vice
president, academic success partnerships, emerita, Eastern Michigan
The ACE State Network Leadership Award for the Advancement of Women
in Higher Education recognizes an outstanding and innovative program,
sponsored by an ACE State Network or by a college or university, that
helps advance or support women or women's issues in higher education.
“The Michigan ACE Women’s Network has a long standing history of
being a model of success for emerging networks. The network has
consistently demonstrated a commitment to inclusive leadership,
diversity, teamwork and professional development support for women in
higher education,” said Kim Bobby, director of ACE’s Inclusive
Excellence Group. “Each year, they stand ready to offer best practices
for engaging leaders and institutions across the state. We are so
pleased to honor their good work with the ACE Network Leadership Award.”
The Michigan Network stands out as an exemplary model due to its
focus on inclusion within higher education as a whole, and bringing
together two-year, four-year, public and private colleges and
universities across the state to create opportunities for women in
higher education.
Gangone; Jessica Kozloff, president, Academic Search; Lynette Findley;
Connie Gores, chair, ACE's Women's Network Executive Council; Kim Bobby.