"There is broad agreement throughout the American higher education
community that a diverse student body produces valuable educational
benefits, including the type of constructive dialogue and empathy that
can bridge sometimes stubborn societal divides. The more than 4,000
colleges and universities in this country pursue different academic and
cultural missions, but each seeks within those varied frameworks to
foster open and inclusive learning environments across all parts of the
campus community, from classrooms to dormitories to playing fields.
Intercollegiate athletics programs are a visible and important
extension of institutional missions, and so it is imperative that they
also contribute to this vital social and educational discourse.
Intercollegiate athletics affords a critical opportunity to provide
student-athletes with role models and life mentors, regardless of the
level at which an individual institution competes.
We are therefore pleased to give our full support to the NCAA as it
seeks commitments from college and university presidents to establish
initiatives to achieve ethnic and racial diversity and gender equity and
inclusion in intercollegiate athletics hiring practices. We encourage
presidents and chancellors from all types of institutions to take the
NCAA pledge and focus their attention on this issue."