Register Now for the ACE Experience 2025
September 18, 2024

​Registration is now open for the ACE Experience 2025 (ACEx2025), to be held Feb. 12-13 at the iconic John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts* in Washington, DC. Designed for presidents and chancellors, ACEx’s high-level perspectives will focus on the critical national and international issues impacting higher education.

The ACE Experience will bring together visionary leaders to network, confront pressing challenges, and explore how our institutions can best serve their students and communities.

Speakers will address the higher education value crisis, democracy and American politics, the consequences of demographic and technological changes for our campuses, the role of free speech and campus activism, and the challenges the sector faces on a global scale. Attendees will examine how to position themselves and their institutions as vital partners in the transformation of higher education and how to have the most positive and impactful influence on the lives of our learners and society.

During this monthlong early registration period, only ACE members can register for ACEx2025. Click here to register.

*The ACE Experience 2025 is an external rental presented in coordination with the Kennedy Center Campus Rentals Office and is not produced by the Kennedy Center.