Sign up for March 2 Shared Equity Leadership Webinar and Learning Circles
ACE and the University of Southern California’s Pullias Center for Higher Education have collaborated on a
research report giving leaders a detailed look into Shared Equity Leadership (SEL) structures and highlighting four distinct ways of organizing SEL. Leaders interested in learning more about this work are also encouraged to register for a
March 2 webinar.
This new report, “Organizing Shared Equity Leadership: Four Approaches to Structuring the Work,” is the second in a series of papers on the SEL model and is a follow-up to last year’s report, “Shared Equity Leadership: Making Equity Everyone’s Work.” In an SEL framework, a greater number of individuals across an institution engage in leadership, which leverages multiple perspectives and expertise to transform conditions of campus inequity, according to the authors. They found broadly distributing leadership responsibilities and accountability helps equity work become more institutionalized and less siloed.
This latest paper is based on interviews with over 120 leaders at eight different institutions. Institutions aligned their SEL structure to one of four models: Hub and Spoke; Highly Structured; Bridging; and Woven. The paper outlines the differences between each structure, including benefits and potential challenges, and concludes with examples that show how institutions can reward and incentivize the development of these models on their campuses.
The authors of the paper are Elizabeth Holcombe, Adrianna Kezar, Jude Paul Matias Dizon, Darsella Vigil, and Natsumi Ueda.
ACE is hosting a free webinar, “Structures for Enacting Shared Equity Leadership,” on March 2 from 1-2:15 p.m. (ET).
Register here. Expert panelists will discuss ways to organize SEL on a variety of campuses.
Also, sign up for one of ACE’s Sharing Leadership for Equity Learning Circles, which begin meeting the second week of March. Leveraging key concepts and tools from the SEL model, learning circle members will share and grow their expertise with peers who grapple with similar uncertainties in their diversity, equity, and inclusion work. Learn more and
sign up here.